Phosphorescence October 2021 featured poets:
Somrita Ganguly and Danielle Legros Georges.
Hosted by Brooke Steinhauser, program director of the Emily Dickinson Museum.
To Emily Dickinson “phosphorescence” was a divine spark and the illuminating light behind learning — it was volatile, but transformative in nature. Produced by the Emily Dickinson Museum, the Phosphorescence Poetry Reading Series celebrates contemporary creativity that echoes Dickinson’s own revolutionary poetic voice. The Series features established and emerging poets whose work and backgrounds represent the diversity of the flourishing contemporary poetry scene. The 2021 Series is virtual to ensure the health and safety of participants. While we are disappointed not to gather together in Amherst, we are excited to connect with a global community of friends and writers. Join us on the last Thursdays of each month to hear from poets around the world as they read their work and discuss what poetry and Dickinson mean to them.
This program is co-produced by The Common, a literary organization based at Amherst College with a mission to deepen our individual and collective sense of place. The Common publishes works that embody particular times and places and feature new and underrepresented voices from around the world.
For more Emily Dickinson Museum programs: